When tracing is enabled, Xdebug logs each function call, including each function's arguments and return value. 当跟踪被启用后,Xdebug将记录所有函数调用,包括每个函数的参数和返回值。
All of these make a simple function call impossible. 所有这些都使得简单的函数调用是不可能的。
Add a poll function call to the end of the go function. 在go函数末尾添加一个轮询函数调用。
Add in the Sajax function call, and you obtain the head. 将回调函数添加到Sajax函数调用中,就可以得到头(head)。
Another interesting thing in the program is the nop instruction after the function call. 这个程序中另外一个有趣之处是函数调用之后的nop指令。
If it's as simple as a normal function call, why wouldn't you want to use it? 如果Ajax的使用能简单到一个常规的函数调用,那为什么不使用它呢?
To gather a function call trace, you need to identify when every function is called in your application. 要收集一个函数调用的踪迹,您需要确定每个函数在应用程序中调用的时间。
The insertCall() method includes a function call within the given attribute, preserving any existing value. insertCall()方法包含给定属性中的函数调用,保留任何现有值。
If they are different, it actually modifies your code to swap TOC references on function call and return. 如果二者不同,就修改代码以切换函数调用和函数返回上的TOC引用。
Messages are collections of parameters used as profiles in determining the input and output values for a function call. 消息是参数的集合,这些参数用作确定函数调用的输入和输出值的配置文件。
ENLINK& The function call would cause a file to have more than LINK_MAX links. ENLINK:函数调用会导致文件具有超过LINKMAX个的链接。
After a function call, ESP represents the top of the stack. 在调用函数之后,ESP代表堆栈的顶部。
Unfortunately, substitute() expects a fixed string as its replacement value, not a function call. 不幸的是,substitute()要求使用固定的字符串作为它的替代值,而不是一个函数调用。
I like the function call technique, but I'm not sure I like that all the book data goes in as one block. 我很喜欢函数调用这一技术,但我并不赞同将所有图书数据都放入一个块中。
Therefore, you have to load it back in because it was clobbered in the function call. 所以必须将其加载回来,因为它在函数调用中被截断过了。
This function call also takes away the need to free the SSL BIO. 这个函数调用不需要释放SSLBIO。
As with a function call, you must supply parentheses. 对于函数调用,必须提供圆括号。
Passing the extra parameter can increase the overhead of the function call. 传递额外的参数会增加函数调用的开销。
This function call does not destroy the data structure until the program ends. 这个函数调用直到程序结束时才真正销毁该数据结构。
An interesting side-effect of abstract syntax trees is that you can completely replace one function call with another. 抽象语法树的一个有趣的副作用是你能完全用另外一个函数来代替某个函数的调用。
How in the world could you know what this function call does? 你怎么知道这个函数调用到底做了些什么?
Here, we are still interested in in-process function call integration. 这里,我们感兴趣的仍然是进程内的函数调用级的集成。
A stack probe is a sequence of code the compiler inserts into every function call. 堆栈探测是编译器插入到每个函数调用中的代码序列。
Event generated if additional data is sent to support a function call. 因发送其他数据来支持功能调用而生成的事件。
A stack frame is essentially the same as a function call. 堆栈帧实质上是与函数调用相同。
Multicast delegates wrap all the functions that have been added to the delegate in a single function call. 多播委托将添加给委托的所有方法包装在一个单独的方法调用里面。
An area of the stack associated with a particular function call. 一个关联特殊函数调用的堆栈区域。
Each test function call is sandwiched between a call to setUp and tearDown. 每个测试函数的调用被夹在setUp和tearDown调用之间。
The profiling function call, profiling level, or combination of call and level is not yet implemented. 分析函数调用、分析级别或者调用和级别的组合尚未实现。